Nucleic acid extraction and handling

  • Nucleic acid extraction

For both DNA and RNA extractions we adopt magnetic bead based isolation methods. As magnetic bead based extraction methods result in very high intact nucleic acid output leading to very high success rates in down stream applications such as PCR, RT PCR and sequencing. We have automated magnetic bead based Nucleic acid exractors which can extract DNA or RNA from 96 samples in very quick time.

  • Quality Check of nucleic acids

As per the demand of the downstream applications we use either spectrophotometric or flourimetric methods to assess the nucleic acid concentrations. We possess high throughput spectrophotometric and flourimetric multimode readers which can assess nucleic acid concentration and quality as well in a rapid manner. We also use dedicated flourimeters such as Qubit 4.0 whenever the downstream application demands it.

  • Normalisation of concentrations of nucleic acids

We normalise the concentrations of nucleic acids using an automated high throughput work flow of the Tecan liquid handling robot.   We verify the normalised nucleic acids with flourimetric methods for the expected final concentrations in samples as per downstream application needs.