InoMag Magnetic Bead Plant DNA Extraction Kit For Challenging Crops

Cat. No: AGS-PDK-03

Product Details

The InoMag magnetic bead plant seed DNA extraction kit provides faster and easier magnetic bead DNA isolation from multiple plant seeds in both manual and automated formats. Typical yields vary from 15- 25µg DNA from 30mg of tissue samples. The data generated on quantity and quality of DNA extracted from four crops through fluorimetric analysis are furnished in Table. The integrity of the extracted DNA can be visualized in Figure.

Table :The quantity and quality DNA extracted from four crops InoMag magnetic bead plant DNA extraction kit for challenging crops.

S.No Crop DNA quantity

Qubit (ng/ul)

DNA quality
1 Pomegranate


234 1.9
2 Pomegranate


214 1.8
3 Okra leaf 178 1.7
4 Okra leaf 169 1.8
5 Sunflower leaf 192 1.7
6 Sunflower leaf 176 1.7
7 Banana leaf 214 1.7
8 Banana leaf 216 1.7

Figure :

Electrophorogram of genomic DNA extracted from four different crops resolved in a 1% agarose gel.