Downstream applications

At present we focus on the following application areas to serve our customers in a very cost effective approach. Our application areas includes

Cost effective genotyping

As the need for SNP genotyping in clinical, agricultural, veterinary, food and other allied industries is on increase, Applied Genomics has specialised facilities and expertise in cost effective SNP and Indel genotyping technologies. We adopt two strategies for SNP genotyping as follows

  • Genotyping by NGS

    For all SNP/InDel  discovery projects of our clients, we use targeted resequencing approaches in a high through put formats with established Illumina NGS workflows with high coverage.

  • Genotyping by allele specific PCRs

    At applied genomics we have facilities such as waterbath PCR and high through put multimode readers to accomplish cost effective genotyping using KASP or PACE assay based technologies in quick time for industrial  R&D and QC applications.

Other NGS based applications

  • Small genome sequencing with Illumina NGS technologies
  • Metagenomic sequencing of clinical and environmental samples for bacteria, fungi and viral composition
  • 16S rRNA and ITS sequencing for microbial identification with unique NGS options with minimum of 100 X coverage instead of 1X Sanger options
  • Transciptome sequencing of animal, plant and microbial samples with well-established standard protocols either by Illumina or Nanopore RNA seq technologies
  • Small RNA sequencing either with Illumina or Nanopore technologies
  • Any other customised projects as per the need of the clients