Principle of magnetic bead based DNA extraction

The magnetic beads in the kit are functionalized with proven polymers on the surface which enable them to adsorb nucleic acids from the plant extracts. Under special conditions, cells in the samples lyse rapidly and release nucleic acids, which are specifically adsorbed by magnetic beads. Impurities and inhibitors in the liquid phase are removed by washing with wash buffer. Nucleic acids on the magnetic beads will be separated onto the liquid phase due to the high level of electrostatic potential of the elution buffer.

Salient features

  • Genomic DNA with very high integrity and better yields
  • Rapid purification of genomic DNA from multiple crops
  • Suitable for both manual and automated DNA extractions
  • Ready to use for all downstream applications like PCR, RT-PCR, Genotyping and sequencing

Rapid DNA extraction workflow

InoMag Magnetic Bead Plant Tissue DNA Extraction Kit

Cat. No: AGS-PDK-01

InoMag Magnetic Bead Plant Seed DNA Extraction Kit

Cat. No: AGS-PDK-02

InoMag Magnetic Bead Plant DNA Extraction Kit For Challenging Crops

Cat. No: AGS-PDK-03